Prof. Wim Teughels received his dental degree in 2000 from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KULeuven) in Belgium. In 2006, he earned the degree of specialist in periodontology and successfully defended his doctoral dissertation at the same university. In addition, he earned the “European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) certificate in Periodontology”. In 2007, he was named an assistant professor at the KULeuven Faculty of Medicine. His teaching responsibilities encompass a range of topics in the fields of Periodontology and Human Anatomy.
Currently, he is a full professor at KULeuven and the University hospitals Leuven, where he is the head of the Periodontology and Oral Microbiology research group. His research is centered on periodontology and oral microbiology, with an emphasis on bacterial adhesion, microbial interactions, antimicrobials, and probioticsThis has resulted in over 190 papers in international journals, 3 edited books and over >10 book chapters. He has received five national and three international awards and is frequently invited to give lectures on the topic of "probiotics" and “antimicrobials” both domestically and internationally. In 2012, Professor Teughels is appointed associate editor for both the Journal of Periodontal Research and the textbook "Carranza's Clinical Periodontology." He is the co-director of the EFP- post-graduate education committee, an advisor for the EAO Consensus Conference committee, and the Ambassador for the ITI University Campus program. He holds visiting professorships at Cukurova University (Turkey) and Malaya University (Malaysia).