FEMS grants for early-career scientists


The 14th European Oral Microbiology Workshop is selected by the Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) to offer grants for event participation for Early Career Scientists.

The FEMS grant will allow the EOMW2024 Organizing Committee to waive registration fees (student early registration fee, accommodation to share; valued at €750) for a maximum of 8 European and non-European Early Career Scientists. 


To apply for this grant, you would need to meet the following requirements:

  • be a member of a FEMS Member Society* or be recommended by such a member
  • be an Early Career Scientist**
  • be an Active Microbiologist
  • be presenting author at the meeting (oral or poster)

*Find out if your society is a FEMS Member at https://fems-microbiology.org/member-societies/

**These are active microbiologists who obtained the highest academic degree - Bachelor, Master or PhD - less than five years prior to the application deadline date, or are a Master or PhD student. Periods of maternity/paternity leave, special leave, or illness do not count toward this definition.

Application process

  1. Tick the participation at the FEMS grant application when submitting your abstract
  2. Fill out and sign the meeting grant application form
  3. Upload the application form into the "My documents" tab on the Attendee Portal before January,30th, 2024.

Additional benefits

As a FEMS Member Society member, you can:

  • benefit from the grant provided for this meeting (see Eligibility above)
  • apply for a range of other FEMS Grants
  • benefits/discounts off the registration fee for FEMS Congresses/Conferences
  • benefit from a 25% discount off a selection of Oxford University Press books



Actividad financiada por la Conselleria d'Educació, Cultura, Universitats i Ocupació mediante la subvenciones para la organización y difusión de congresos, jornadas y reuniones científicas, tecnológicas, humanísticas o artísticas de carácter internacional (CIAORG/2023/63)






Technical Secretariat


Alo Congress – VB Group
Numancia 73, 3A 08029 Barcelona - Spain
Phone: (+34) 933 633 954
Queries: secretary@eomw2024.com
Payment and invoices: adm@eomw2024.com